Hydro Flores de Canna: For hydroponic systems

18,50  - 52,90  VAT included

canna Hydro Flowers It is a flowering fertilizer for hydroponic crops that does not reuse water, that is, what drains is expelled outside.

Formula Hydro Flowers it is especially rich in trace elements and iron chelates, but it contains less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium.

All this is what the plant needs to face one of the most critical stages of its life, flowering.

Remember that you have a Hydro Flores model for soft water and another for hard water.

If you don't know what kind of water you have check here.


How to use Hydro Flores de Canna?


Hydro Flores de Canna is used diluted in the irrigation water alone or together with the corresponding stimulators.

This way you stimulate the flowering of the plants and a correct aroma and flavor.

First you add component A to the water and mix well.

Then you add component B to the water and mix well.



What pH should I have when using it?

The recommended pH value is 5.2 to 6.2.



What Ec should I have when using it?

The recommended value of Ec is from 1.8 to 2.3

We will increase the value from the first weeks until reaching the maximum in week 4 and 5 of flowering.

Then we go back down until we reach the last week with only water.

See the fertilization table below.


Canna fertilization table for hydroponic cultivation:

Canna Hydro

Here is a link to the website Cana.

And here is a link to the rest of the products in the range of canna that we work, in case you want to take a look.





Type of water



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