Elite91 Nutrients

Elite 91 Nutrients in Spain

Elite 91 Nutrients is an American line of stimulators, additives and enhancers designed for professional cannabis cultivation.

We have been following in his footsteps for a long time and we have seen how many high-level growers like jungle boys They use their products to improve the yield of their crops.

In this post we only want to introduce you to the Elite 91 products so that you can get to know them and discover their properties.

Elite 91 Nutrients Myco Jordan

Elite91 Myco Jordan

Elite91 Myco Jordan is a wettable powder containing 100% organic endomycorrhizal fungi.

These fungi attach to and build a vast colonization of symbiotic associations inside and outside plant roots that are actually extensions (absorbent fibers) of the root zone.

Thus they form thousands of access points that significantly improve the availability and absorption of water and nutrients.

It is very common to see growers applying the technique Slurry Tech to their cuttings or seeds to enhance the appearance of roots.

Elite 91 Clones

elite91 clones

Elite 91 Clones is a professional rooting liquid that combines 2 powerful hormones that induce the rapid and explosive appearance of roots.

A simple 5-second dip in rooting compound is all you need to start the formation of strong, healthy roots.

We love it for its effectiveness but also because it is reusable. You just have to save the liquid that you have left in a bottle and the next time you are going to use it you just have to add a little new liquid in the bottle and continue using it.

Elite91 Nutrients


Elite 91 Roots

Elite91 Roots

Elite 91 Roots is a liquid that, in addition to promoting root development, considerably improves plant growth.

Contains high-quality ingredients such as beneficial bacteria, fungi, vitamins, plant-derived minerals, protein hydrolysates, polysaccharides, organic chelates, and activators.

It is a very studied product and with an effectiveness that is obvious in a few days after its habitual use in plants.

Silicon Acid from Elite 91

Elite91 Silicic Acid

Elite 91 Silicic Acid contains one of the most potent and concentrated forms of silicic acid ever achieved in a stable liquid form.

By applying it in the irrigation we get the plant to develop much more stem and strong branches that you will be able to see in a single week of application.

Its composition features 4.1% monosilicic acid and 1.2% plant-available silicon, 21 different organic L-amino acids, and contains zinc, boron, molybdenum and manganese for an additional micronutrient boost.

The 21 L-amino acids boost the health and vigor of plants making them much more robust in their stems and branches.

Other Elite 91 products

Elite 91 has 2 more products on the American market that complete its offer of stimulants, enhancers and additives for marijuana plants.

Is Flowers Elite91, a stimulator and enhancer of flowering and Cal Mag which is Calcium and Magnesium to supplement soft water.

If you want to know more about these products visit our section Elite 91 Nutrients.

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