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Advanced Nutrients B-52: Metabolism Booster

21,00  - 135,00  VAT included

B-52 from Advanced Nutrients, is an enhancer that gives us the following benefits for our plants:
  • Accelerates the metabolism of the plant in general
  • Stimulates the development of strong roots
  • Promotes growth
  • Helps plants fight against stress: intense light, low temperature, ozone, drought or salinity.


Advanced Nutrients B-52 it is specifically designed for hydroponics and is a source of extra B vitamins for our plants; for further development and production.

Scientists at Advanced Nutrients test their fertilizers with identical clones in identical growing systems. The clones are fed the same diet, except that half of the clones receive a vitamin that the other clones do not. yeshis findings show many benefits of vitamin B for our plants.

Of course, it is logical to ask whether plants can synthesize or obtain enough B vitamins from the nutrients that feed them.

Your plants can synthesize some nutrient B vitamins, but they can't synthesize enough nutrients fast enough to reach their harvest goals.

By supplying you with these vitamins, the plants have less metabolic work to do, since they don't have to make their entire supply of B vitamins on their own.

Additionally, studies show that when plants are fatigued (which is when they need most of the B vitamins), that's when they are least able to take up their own vitamins.


What does B-52 from Advanced Nutrients give us?

  • El folic acid It is easily broken down by plants, especially in strong lighting conditions, making it a good idea to supplement folic acid food for your plants. Tests show that folic updates the weight and quality of your crop.


  • La Vitamin B5 it is essential for fundamental cellular processes.


  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin) helps your plants use and create carbohydrates so your plants have enough energy to build strong vegetative growth and essential oils. It also makes it easier for your plants to use phosphate, which is an essential nutrient that fuels flower growth. B1 activates systemic acquired resistance (SAR), which is the same benefit that occurs in humans when a vaccine preemptively produces an increased immune response to future infections. What's more, B1 assists in root development so your plants intake more nutrients faster and are more resistant to shock, transplant, cloning.


How is Advanced Nutrients B-52 used?

Diluted in the irrigation water from the third week of life of our plant.

We will always leave a week at the end of our crop for root washing


What is the dosage of B-52?

2 ml per liter of solution from the third week, until the end of flowering.


Do not forget any of the products of Advanced Nutrients to bring your crop to the highest quality and production possible.

In the following link we can access a calculator to control the amount of nutrients needed for our entire crop.

We have the application Bud Labs de Advanced Nutrients to better control our crop.





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