Cannabis – Hanf, Hemp, Chanvre, Hemp by Mathias Broeckers

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El book Cannabis, Hemp, Hemp, Hemp, Hemp de Mathias broeckers It is a review of the history of cannabis in the world, a presentation of the plant, of its way of using it, of the pressures to which it has been subjected by different governments, of how it was used and is used therapeutically... .

For many of us this book is more a Bible, is one of the first books we read, which explained to us what that plant with which we fell in love was like and which told us about the different uses of this wonderful plant species.

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The book Cannabis – Hanf, Hemp, Chanvre, Cañamo de Mathias Broeckers It is loaded with images and is written in English, Spanish, French and German and these are the chapters That composes.


What content does the cannabis book by Mathias Broeckers have?

  1. All the seeds: The most valuable of all grains.
  2. sowing and crecimiento: Faster than any weed
  3. Flowering and harvest: The queen of useful plants
  4. The work with Hemp: From the plant to household items.
  5. La natural fiber strongest in the world.
  6. Medicine and food: From the plant of the shamans to the modern medicinal herb.
  7. Up in Smoke: A short story of cannabis intoxication.
  8. The "killer herb": The era of prohibition.
  9. De coffee shops a body shops … and something else.
  10. The ABC of Hemp.


As you have seen, it is a very complete book on the history of Hemp and for many it is a great work by Mathias Broeckers that deserves a place on our bookshelf.

We also have more specifics about the crop such as Marijuana cultivation basics y Marijuana: Cannabis Horticulture.


You can see this and more books on the website Hemp Editions



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