Ec 1413 Growth Technology Calibrator Liquid

9,90  VAT included

Ec Calibrator Liquid 1413 is used to calibrate digital Ec meters and ensure that your measurements are always accurate.

It is mandatory for the correct operation of the meter to calibrate it at least once a month.


Container of 300 ml.

Growth Technology Ec 1413 calibrator liquid will allow us to calibrate EC meters, monitors and controllers.

It is essential to keep our meters calibrated correctly to ensure that our plants are fed correctly.

An erroneous reading within the electroconductivity values ​​of our irrigation water can have a negative impact on the development of our plants.

There are different models of EC meters and controllers on the market, but the vast majority are calibrated with an Ec 1413 solution.




How do we calibrate with the Ec 1413 Growth Technology calibrating fluid?

  • Rinse the electrode in demineralized water to make sure it is completely clean.
  • Fill a container with the calibrator liquid (we will discard this liquid later, so it is convenient that the container is small so that the probe is submerged)
  • Depending on the meter we will need to put it in calibrated mode (automatic meters) or locate the calibration screw (manual meter).
  • Introduce the probe completely in the calibrating liquid and leave it for a moment until the value stabilizes.
  • In most cases, the meters have a hole on the back where a screw is housed to adjust the value or wait for OK to appear, in automatic meters.
  • To make sure that the values ​​are correct, we can repeat the entire operation with the same liquid before discarding it.
  • Important: Remember to check or replace the batteries before calibrating so as not to give a false reading.


You can see this and more products on the official website of Growth Technology


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