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Cyco Zyme: Root and Substrate Cleaner

39,90  VAT included

Cyco Zyme contains amylase, an enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of starch (plant matter) into sugars.

These sugars feed beneficial microorganisms and the plant alike.

In addition, Cyco Zyme converts all the fertilizer leftovers present in the substrate into carbohydrates and cleanses the old skin of the roots so that they can continue to absorb food without difficulty.

Unlike most of its competitors, Cyco Zyme has a virtually unlimited shelf life, ensuring long-term effectiveness.

Availability inquiry

How is Cyco Cyco Zyme used?

Diluted in the irrigation water from the beginning of growth until the end of flowering?

It can be used alone or together with the corresponding fertilizers.


What is the dosage of Cyco Zyme?

2ml for every liter of irrigation water.


Cyco fertilization table:


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