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Nitrozyme: Growth stimulator for cuttings and seeds

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Nitrozyme by Growth Technology is a natural growth stimulator ideal for the first phases of growth of rooted cuttings or germinated seeds as it provides them with natural growth enhancers, micronutrients and biostimulants that favor rapid growth and root development.

Nitrozyme has many uses for the grower and used correctly can help produce healthier, more vigorous plants and higher yields.

Restores and improves the interaction between the soil and the roots, increasing the vigor and improving the yield of the crop.

Container of 100 ml.

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When we germinate seeds or root cuttings, we enter a very delicate phase of 2 weeks that is vital for the plants to come out on top as soon as possible.

It is time to use a good stimulated product that speeds up the process because the sooner it develops roots and begins to grow, the more chances of success we have.

This is why the use of Nitrozyme is highly recommended in these first 2 weeks of plant life.

Being Natural, it does not harm the plant and only causes benefits that will improve the final result of the crop.


How is Nitrozyme applied?

Diluted in the irrigation water, sprayed or soaked in the germination or cutting substrate.


What is the dosage of Nitrozyme?

  • Earth and Coco – 1-2 ml of Nitrozyme for each liter of irrigation water.
  • Hydroponic systems – 5 ml. of Nitrozyme for every 10 liters of the tank.
  • Foliar fertilizer: 5 ml. for every liter of water sprayed.
  • Germination: 20 ml. of Nitrozyme for each liter of water. Put the seeds in for 24 hours. and start to germinate as you usually do.
  • Cuttings: 5 ml. of Nitrozyme for each liter of water. Spray the mother 2 weeks before taking cuttings.
  • Jiffys or rock wool: 5 ml. for every liter of water. Soak the cubes with this mixture and then drain them and proceed to introduce the cuttings or seeds.



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